Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Espressologist by Kristina Springer

What’s your drink of choice? Is it a small pumpkin spice latte? Then you’re lots of fun and a bit sassy. Or a medium americano? You prefer simplicity in life. Or perhaps it’s a small decaf soy sugar-free hazelnut caffe latte? Some might call you a yuppie.

Seventeen-year-old barista Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She scribbles it all down in a notebook and calls it Espressology. So it’s not a totally crazy idea when Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their coffee orders.

I just finished reading this book and I liked it. Jane has reasonable problems and her hectic life is realistic. Sometimes in a cute romance you get a bunch of problems that aren't really problems. "My hair is way too curly and wild to date someone like that." I'm sorry, shut-up, go buy a brush and date the guy. But Kristina made Jane feel like someone I already know. I enjoy that. Plus, I like coffee!

The only problem I found was that it was too short. It is less than 200 pages. I have a thing. I know it's a weird thing. But I feel cheated when I want more. I don't like poems or short stories because I feel like if the authors really wanted to develop a character they should have written a book. You can go ahead and like short stories and poems, I JUST WANT MORE! It tends to be a theme in my life. But it is good when what I happen to want more is reading and not that evil chocolate cream pie.

OOOooooohhhhh! Chocolate cream pie goes very well with a tall caramel mocha!